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  • July 15, 2024 2:05 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    There is no shortage of perfectly good ADHD treatment options — each one of which is absolutely useless if you try to hand it to someone with a closed fist. So, as caregivers or professionals, how do we get that fist to open?

    First, remember that many people with attention deficit disorder (ADHD or ADD) struggle with executive functions such as emotion management, self-regulation, attention, time management, and the ability to reflect on efficacy — essentially, the skills that influence our ability to change. To better understand why your child or your client doesn’t utilize the ADHD treatments or coping tools you’ve offered, you must first understand:

    • The Transtheoretical Model and how to determine someone’s readiness to change
    • How you can actually facilitate change by meeting someone where he is

    The Transtheoretical Model (TTM)

    Developed from more than 35 years of scientific research, Dr. James Prochaska’s model defines the following stages of change:

    Pre-contemplation: “I can’t/won’t do this!”

    When someone refuses to even consider change, your best strategy is to show him empathy and normalize the situation. Instead of driving him into an even more defensive posture, frame his challenge or frustration as understandable; this removes the stigma and helps the individual feel less overwhelmed or embarrassed. In this stage, you might say: “Of course, lots of kids love their video games, and I’m sure I would if I were your age! I’m not trying to force you to quit, just for you to play the game without the game playing you.”
    1. Contemplation: “I might do it, but I’m not sure when.”
      Contemplators can deceptively look as if they’re on their way to making real changes. but then surprise us by suddenly quitting. Encourage them to use a decisional balance sheet: a four-stage process of weighing pros and cons. This method takes into account resistance and helps shift from a default setting to conscious choice. In this stage, you might say: “I know you’re feeling mixed emotions about whether to put some structure into your gaming schedule. This chart will give you the information you need to make a good decision.
    2. Preparation: “I definitely will try.”
      At this stage, conviction sets in, and your child or patient decides she will make the change happen soon. Here, suggest that she experiment by just changing one small thing in preparation for the bigger change. In addition, make sure she has the right resources lined up. In this stage, you might say: “Now that you’re ready, what’s the best way to keep you on track? Would phone reminders or scheduling the gaming for a particular time help?”
    3. Action: “I’m doing it! I’m into it.”
      Once the change has been initiated, your role as a parent or professional is simply to check in and offer time-management tools to stay on track when helpful. In this stage, you might say: “You might try an app that tracks your consistency on this awesome habit you’ve been developing. You might enjoy seeing your progress.”
    4. Maintenance: “I’m still doing it.”
      You’ll witness a confidence and shift in image once the change becomes a regular, habitual occurrence. Be aware of and help him be aware of the normalcy of occasional backsliding. In this stage, you might say: “Nobody bats a thousand. If you miss a day, let it go and get back to the habit.”
    5. Bonus Stage: Graduation
      Here, people “graduate” to a new self-concept in which they believe they can change anything they want. They might even help other individuals make the same change. In this stage, you might say: “Do you remember how hard it was at first to change that habit? I do. You never have to change anything unless you want to, but it’s nice to see that you can.”

  • June 29, 2024 12:49 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Q:  “Our teen, who has ADHD, lacks the motivation for doing schoolwork and other tasks that are necessary for living independently. How should we handle this?”

    It’s not uncommon for teens with ADHD to lose their motivation for a variety of reasons. For some kids, certain tasks might be too hard, too easy, or just boring. Maybe it’s difficult getting organized and started in the first place, let alone having to focus and sustain their attention, and use their working memory — common challenges for the ADHD brain.

    5 Lack of Motivation Solutions

    I recommend the following steps to any caregiver looking to help their teen on the path to independent living.

    1. Reset

    Although you might be frustrated, worried, or imagining the worst outcomes (e.g., my child will never move out), pause that thought process. The best way to support your teen is to withhold judgment. Make sure not to project your emotions and fears onto them.

    2. Observe

    What are your teen’s strengths, talents, qualities, interests, and passions? What do they get right? Acknowledge and validate their efforts. Then, observe their areas of weakness. Think about small ways to help them become more accountable and responsible. For example, allow them to determine the nutritious foods you’ll need for your household within a weekly budget. These management skills apply to various essential tasks.

    3. Listen

    Communicate authentically, respectfully, and transparently. Temper your emotions to create an atmosphere where your teen can speak honestly about their challenges and self-perceptions. Sometimes, what we perceive as a teen’s indifference, resistance, or laziness may actually be anxiety, fear, or lack of confidence. Try to understand and address what’s really interfering with their pursuit of autonomy.

    4. Collaborate

    Once the issues are identified, discuss opportunities that allow your teen to grow and thrive at something they are naturally good at or are passionately interested in. Many career and educational paths lead to success. Build a plan with small, actionable steps that lead your teen to their desired goals. Helping a teen see these as achievable reinvigorates their motivation and commitment.

    5. Inspire

    Your teen’s support team includes mentors, coaches, school advisors, career counselors, therapists, and other adults who can provide inspiration from different perspectives. Encourage your teen to connect with their trusted advisors as they navigate the transition to independence.

    Brandi Walker, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist, who is working on a research study at the Womack Army Medical Center at Fort Liberty in North Carolina.

  • May 22, 2024 10:53 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    ADDitude by Elizabeth Broadbent

    Worried about a summer slide? Think creatively to stimulate your child’s curious, clever ADHD mind over the long vacation and prevent learning loss. Try these fun activities to start a new tradition: the summer swell.

    How to Beat the Summer Slide

    1. Make Screens Work for You

    We live in a golden age of game-based learning, with programs that reward kids for accomplishing academic tasks. Learners are incentivized to work on math problems, read history texts, study science experiments, and more. Many of these programs include a social component — kids can make friends while adhering to parental controls — and a reward structure that unlocks in-game fun with every completed academic task. My 10-year-old learned to type last summer because he wanted avatar swag.

    Growing gamers may also enjoy online coding classes. Most start from the basics and work up to more complicated computer languages. My 12-year-old quickly caught the gist of Roblox coding. Now, rather than play games, he and his bestie work collaboratively to develop them.

    2. Get Outside

    We know children with ADHD require outdoor time. But banishing them to the backyard quickly becomes a big yawn. Instead, we scour our area for parks, nature preserves, and kid-friendly hikes. Since sedate woodland walks quickly morph into forced marches, we tote supplies — lots of them. If there’s water, we plan for wading. If there are low-branched trees, we plan for climbing. If there are berries, we plan for picking.

    We almost always bring nets. The kids scoop up everything from mayflies to minnows and, with our packed field guides, we do our best to identify the organisms, or at least narrow them down by kingdom, phylum, class… you get the idea. Those field guides also help us decode animal prints, pin down tree species, and name a minimum of 20 birds per hike.

    3. Don’t Police Their Book Choices

    Maybe your child hates reading. But maybe your child, like many kids with ADHD, actually hates reading what they’re told to read. Ask my 10-year-old to plow through My Brother Sam Is Dead (#CommissionsEarned) and he’ll throw an epic tantrum. Hand him a college text on evolution and he tumbles into hyperfocus. If your children pick their own books, you may be shocked by their sudden motivation and reading-level advances.

    4. Make a (Beach) Bucket List

    Have you ever taught your child the basics of good photography, then turned him loose? We tried this in our downtown area, and now my oldest is a budding Ansel Adams. If your kid adores the family dog, enroll them both in an obedience class and put her in charge of puppy practice. Try planting an edible garden. Learn to tie-dye. Bake cakes. If you pick something you’ve never done, you can share some valuable bonding time with your kiddo.

    Take some risks! Many areas have indoor climbing gyms and introductory classes. Tempt your child with a skateboard. Do martial arts. Check your area for fencing clubs. Try out diving. My kids love to kayak and canoe; fishing is another favorite. Maybe these new activities will keep your kid interested, learning, and stimulated. Give it a shot. But don’t be discouraged if they try a new skill, then bow out. Sometimes, it’s worth pushing through. If my kids want to stop because a challenge annoys them, we keep going. But if they genuinely dislike something, I let them quit.

  • May 09, 2024 12:54 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    ADDitude by John Wilson M.S.

    The concept of a gap year makes perfect sense: Your stressed-out teen with ADHD takes a year off to mature, gain independence, build skills, and find direction before entering college or starting a career. But isn’t it risky to step off the hamster wheel? Here, an education expert explains why the answer is, “No.”

    What IS a Gap Year?

    A gap year is, essentially, a temporary break from formal education. And some of the students who take that sabbatical desperately need the time off. They’ve endured high-stress academic environments in high school or college, they're searching for direction, and they feel jumping back in to school could do more harm than good. This is the case for many students with ADHD. Others simply don't feel ready for college or a job. Maybe they are less mature than their peers. Or not independent enough to live alone. A gap year provides the opportunity to travel, volunteer, study, intern, work, perform research, and generally take some time to grow — mindfully.

    What a Gap Year IS NOT

    A gap year is not a full year to hang out, play video games, hit the European party circuit, lounge on the couch, or sit passively by waiting for something to happen.

    If you decide a gap year is right for your family, use the following advice to make sure the time off is worthwhile.


    Gap year programs help young adults clarify their career goals, and discover new interests and passions. If the gap year involves travel, it can broaden perspectives and provide insight into other cultures – a more globally aware teen is a more conscientious teen.

    A gap year can help renew your child's passion for academics — something commonly lost along the way to commencement day. It can help them appreciate the opportunities that learning brings, and give teens a sense of maturity and self-confidence, along with improved organizational life skills. (Yes, we're talking about doing their own laundry, cooking their own meals, and paying their own bills.)

    Students who spend their gap year wisely, do something extraordinary and gain practical life experience from it — an asset valuable to any future employer or professor.

    Why a Gap Year?

    Young adults with ADHD tend to be somewhat impulsive and reactive. They're also easily distracted, disorganized, and unable to finish what they start. Does that person sound ready for college? Or could she benefit from another year of seasoning, maturity, and growth? Research done by the Frostig Center, called Life Success Attributes, sought to identify predictors of future success by studying the attributes shared by successful adults with attention challenges and learning disabilities. These attributes included self-awareness, the ability to be proactive, perseverance, the ability to use effective support systems, and good emotional coping skills.

    A gap year can help develop all of these qualities, namely a strong sense of personal responsibility and heightened resilience. It’s a year of self-reflection to figure out what really matters, what really motivates them, and how to move forward with conviction.

    Designing a Gap Year

    A good gap year is structured, goal-oriented, and adventurous. Make plans with an eye toward, “What’s next?” It should combine:

    • Travel (foreign, domestic, or local – within 3 hours of home)
    • Work/internships
    • Volunteer opportunities
    • Specialty classes

    The idea is to help your child stretch beyond her comfort zone, because that is where growth occurs.

    Where to Start

    Organizations like and can help your teen find work opportunities within the larger community. In addition, no shortage of volunteer opportunities exist with youth organizations, animal shelters, and organizations like Habitat for Humanity.

    Mini-courses and certifications can expose teens to interesting career opportunities. For example a SCUBA certification could trigger an interest in marine biology. Learning CPR or advanced first aid could lead to a career as a wilderness first-responder or an EMT. Community colleges and online programs offer all kinds of how-to courses that build life skills — for example, how to work on a car, how to change your oil, or how to manage your personal finances.

    The larger role your teen takes in designing his gap year, the more powerful (and educational) the exercise becomes. Planning should start midterm of the teen's junior year (at the latest). It takes time to conduct research, investigate opportunities, and stitch together a year-long plan, especially for a teen with executive function deficits.

    How Do I Find a Gap Year Program?

    Seek out additional information from these experts in gap years:

    • Judy Bass with Educational Services (
    • Holly Bull the  preeminent expert on the U.S. programs (
    • Doré Frances with Horizon Family solutions (

    We also recommend these two websites:

    • USA Gap Year Fairs: Nationwide events afford teens the opportunity to speak with organizations that host gap year programs to learn the similarities and differences
    • American Gap Association: Information about gap year programs and research opportunities

    The more varied — and independent — the experience is, the better. It’s important for your child to experience new environments, and learn how to deal
    with the anxious and uncomfortable emotions that come along with that.

    4 Recommended Programs

    Dynamy Internship: A great residential internship program with a strong reputation, this resource offers individuals aged 17-22 an opportunity to do a semester internship

    Rustic Pathways: Programs include community service, experiential education, and international adventures for young adults

    Where There Be Dragons: This is the most well-known program. It operates in 17 different countries in Europe, Central, and South America. It offers summer semester programs for high school and college students, with a focus on cultivating global citizenship, leadership, and self-awareness.

    SOAR: The only gap year program specifically designed to meet the needs of young adults diagnosed with ADHD, it includes a residential component, an adventure travel component, and an international component. Some of the programs offer the opportunity to take college courses for credit. The program focuses on developing life skills – like basic vehicle maintenance, cooking and nutrition, how to resolve conflicts with peers – and has a fiscal management component along with community involvement – volunteering at local things that matter to kids. It straddles the college and the adventure expedition world

    What's After a Gap Year?

    If you receive an acceptance letter from Harvard, it reads, "Welcome to Harvard. Now consider taking a gap year." Research out of UNC indicates that individuals who take advantage of a gap year are more likely than other students to graduate in 4 years, have a higher GPA, and move into leadership situations more quickly than students who don’t.

    In short, teens who take a gap year tend to learn more about themselves, what matters to them, and how to approach the world. It's fairly commonplace now to apply to college during your senior year of high school, then choose to defer enrollment for a year. It's also possible (though perhaps more scary) to wait and apply with the gap year on your child's resume.

    But college is not for everyone. Part of the gap year is figuring out your child's ideal direction, what that might look like

    Is a Gap Year Right for Us?

    The two biggest factors for parents to weigh are money and time. Can your teen stay at home? What programs can you afford to pay for?

    A gap year can cost between $15,000 and $50,000. But often, it's a huge cost savings. A teen without direction or drive is not going to graduate college within four years. Taking a year to focus on what's next can prevent her from dragging out graduation for 6 or 7 years.

    In addition, a teen who struggles and flounders their first year of college should consider taking a gap year as well. Some colleges will let a failing student be reinstated after meeting some academic or other criteria.

    Finally, students are not less likely to go to college if they wait a year. Some students even take a gap year after graduating college or before grad school with programs like AmeriCorps or the Peace Corps.

  • April 28, 2024 3:37 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    ADDitude by Caroline Mendel, PsyD

    Parenting has changed dramatically over the last century or so. It has evolved from raising obedient children — often using harsh, authoritarian techniques — to raising happy, well-adjusted, resilient kids whose emotional and cognitive development is a priority. That’s a big shift, considering that psychologists only began widely using the term “parenting” to describe the behaviors of mothers and fathers in the 1950s.

    Many parents today are raising their children differently than they themselves were raised. In a recent ADDitude poll, about 70% of respondents said they were using a “very different” or “somewhat different” parenting style from the one their parents used with them.

    The generational divide is deepened by our evolving understanding of neurodivergence — brain-based differences that affect how someone behaves, thinks, and learns. ADHD, autismlearning differences, and other conditions that tend to be identified in childhood all fall under the umbrella of neurodivergence. Many of these now-commonplace diagnoses were not always recognized and effectively treated in prior generations.

    Neurodivergence: Then and Now

    Like parenting, societal views of differently wired individuals have also changed significantly. Historically, people whose brains work differently were not celebrated for their neurodivergence; instead, educators and caregivers focused solely on remediating their apparent deficits. Today, we know that our families and communities are made richer by our individual differences. And we understand that leveraging strengths — while also providing constructive support — is critical for neurodivergent children.

    Today, we know a lot more about the science of various brain-based conditions. We know that these conditions are not characterological, meaning an aspect of one’s personality, or caused by “bad” parenting. Advocacy from organizations and individuals has helped reduce stigma around neurodivergence and encouraged more schools and institutions to adopt diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives. Meanwhile, technological advances — like autocorrect or text-to-speech capabilities — have helped reduce the strain of day-to-day functioning for neurodivergent individuals, who can sometimes feel like a square peg in a round hole. And we can’t overlook the role of social media, which has allowed many neurodivergent people and their families to find community and belonging.

    The Best Parenting Style for Your Neurodivergent Child

    Parenting styles of the past emphasized obedience through harsh discipline and strict enforcement of the rules. This style of parenting is generally known as authoritarian parenting and its techniques, we now know, can cause distress and are linked to maladaptive behaviors. Children, especially neurodivergent children, do not respond well to this form of parenting.

    On the other hand, permissive parenting, characterized by high levels of warmth and little to no limit setting, isn’t what our children need either, as this can also lead to negative outcomes. The parenting style with the greatest benefit is in the middle; authoritative parenting combines warmth and limit setting. It’s a dynamic that fosters the parent-child relationship while also providing children with the structure they need for positive development.

    From establishing routines to reinforcing positive behaviors and providing appropriate consequences for misbehavior, authoritative parenting offers various strategies to meet your child’s unique needs. Use this parenting guide to look up the most effective strategies for neurodivergent children. You may need to apply these strategies more frequently, over longer periods, and with the help of a mental health professional to best meet your child’s needs.

  • February 03, 2024 12:09 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    ADDitude by Chris A. Zeigler Dendy M.S.

    Children with attention deficit disorder (ADHD or ADD) who struggle in school get lots of negative feedback. As a result, their self-esteem is battered as early as second grade. Adding insult to injury, many parents may get caught up pushing their children to work harder to make top grades. This adds another layer of negativity at home.

    I lost my perspective when my son was struggling in high school. At times, I found myself thinking that he was lazy and just didn’t care. I was focused on monitoring his homework, hoping he would make better grades. I met him at the front door every day when he came home from school and asked, “Did you bring home your books and assignments?” I never bothered to ask him how his day went.

    When he started avoiding me at the front door, by going in through the basement, a light bulb went on. I had lost sight of my most important duties as a parent: loving my son and building his self-esteem.

    We should all be investing in our children’s emotional bank account. Your job as a parent is to keep the most important things in mind: nurturing your child’s self-esteem and maintaining a strong relationship with him or her. Your loving relationship may one day save your child’s life.

    Investing In and Nurturing Our Children

    Stephen Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (#CommissionsEarned) and other best-selling books, coined the phrase “emotional bank account,” and Russell Barkley, Ph.D., recently used it in one of his top 10 tips for grandparents of children with ADHD. Just as we make regular deposits into our savings account, so we have money when times get tough, adding to our children’s emotional bank account serves the same purpose. Are you making deposits, or emptying his account?

    Offer lots of positive statements and fun activities. Catch your child being good. When you do, say, “Great job. You put all your dirty clothes in the hamper.” “You’re getting better at making up your bed.” “Thank you for taking out the garbage!” “You make me proud. You’ve been reading that book for a long time, and you didn’t give up when there were words you didn’t know!” Find joy again in spending time with your child. Enjoy a special meal, just the two of you, with no nagging. Attend a concert or sporting event together. Let your child teach you a video game.

    Reframe negative thoughts about your child. When your child struggles, stop and look at her in a new light, focusing on her strengths and talents. Remember that your child’s traits, which may not be valued in school, may be useful in the work world. Here are a few examples of reframing: Bossiness may be an indication of potential leadership skills. Hyperactivity may mean that your child can approach workplace projects with high energy and the ability to work longer on more projects. A strong-willed child brings tenacity to his job and career. And who knows? Maybe an argumentative child will one day be a great lawyer.

    Recruit others to help you. Parents alone can’t fill this bank account, so enlist willing siblings, grandparents, relatives, friends, co-workers, coaches, teachers, or members of your religious group. If parents are lucky, grandparents can be their strongest and most helpful allies. By calling weekly via “FaceTime,” grandparents can be active in the child’s life when distance separates them.

    Believe in the goodness of your child, encourage her, and show affection. Hugs, pats on the back, or holding her on your lap gives the child a sense of self worth. Take photos of your child when she is engaged in happy activities, and hang them on the refrigerator.

    Identify and facilitate your child’s interests and talents. If your son is interested in sports, music, dance, drama, or debate, make certain he has a chance to participate in those joyful activities. The successes he will achieve doing something he loves put deposits in his emotional bank account.

    Ensure your child’s school success. If your child is struggling and stressed by school, be a persistent detective and advocate. Work with the school to figure out what is causing the struggles. Up to 50 percent of our children with ADHD also have learning disabilities that are overlooked

  • January 27, 2024 1:41 PM | Linda Zanieski (Administrator)

    SENGYouth programs are a new opportunity for the younger SENG Family Members to participate in curated online classes from SENG Partners and engage with other gifted and 2e kids from around the world. The first class, taking place on February 13, is full, but you can sign up for the waitlist. Click here for details. Additional classes will be coming later in the year.

  • January 24, 2024 6:52 PM | Linda Zanieski (Administrator)

    Applications are open now to be a Teen Fellow for the spring 2024 - winter 2025 session at the CAC (Chicago Architecture Center). This three-semester program is offered at no cost to selected participants, and gives incoming sophomores, juniors and seniors the chance to explore architecture and design careers, earn college credit and work alongside industry professionals.

    Click here for complete details and application information.

  • January 24, 2024 1:16 PM | Linda Zanieski (Administrator)

    The following is from the SENG - Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted - 1/24/24 email newsletter. SENG offers a wide variety of resources on its website, webinars, mini-conferences, and its annual conference. See their website for complete details on the call for proposals.

    Ahoy, SENG Community!

    Get ready to ride the waves of knowledge and adventure at our upcoming 2024 Annual Conference, happening July 11-13, 2024, in the vibrant city of Berkeley, California! With the theme "Sailing into the Future: Community, Advocacy & Adventure," we're charting a course into an ocean of opportunities.

    • Keynote Speakers: We're beyond excited to welcome Paula Prober and Dr. Frank C. Worrell to steer our ship as our esteemed keynote speakers. They're like the captains of our yacht, guiding us through the sea of knowledge with their incredible insights.
    • Call for Proposals: Are you an educator, parent, clinician, gifted adult, advocate, entrepreneur, researcher, or practitioner with a knack for navigating the waters of gifted communities, advocacy and adventures? We want you aboard! Submit your proposal for a 75-minute breakout session or a 2-hour workshop by January 31st, 2024. Remember, spots are as coveted as a sunny day at sea, so make sure your proposal shines like the sun!
    • Why Present? This is your chance to share your compass – your ideas and experiences – with a diverse and engaged community. Let's make waves together in the realms of our gifted community.
    • Conference Highlights: Besides our captivating sessions and workshops, expect networking opportunities as vast as the ocean. Mingle with fellow enthusiasts, learn from the best, and enjoy the beautiful Berkeley breeze.

    Don't miss this chance to dock your ideas at SENG's 2024 Annual Conference. Let's set sail together into a future filled with community, advocacy, and adventure. We can't wait to see what treasures you'll bring on board!

    Smooth Sailing,

    SENG Conference Committee

    P.S. Got questions or need help navigating the proposal process? Drop us a line, and we'll be your lighthouse guiding you through!

    Key Points to Remember:

    • Submit your proposal by January 31st, 2024.
    • Join us in Berkeley, July 11-13, 2024.
    • Let's sail into the future together!

  • January 16, 2024 8:58 AM | Katherine Peterson (Administrator)

    From the IAGC newsletter . . . 

    Are you a newer teacher or PLC?  

    Trying to differentiate for advanced learners on-the-go?    

    Let the IAGC help you and your PLC get set for your next lesson or unit! 

    2 Hours PD credit

    Please sign up for:

    Educator PD Hour: Curriculum Extension Workshop for New(er) Teachers

    When: 01/29/2024  4pm-6pm  CST
    Where: virtual -- join us from school or home!


    Educator PD Hour: Curriculum Extension Workshop for New(er) Teachers

    Monday January 29, 2024

    4:00pm -6:00pm


    Work smarter, not harder!

    Join IAGC Board Members and Gifted Coordinators Denise Kuchta, Deanna Markos, and Lindsay Sudol for an afternoon workshop of ELA and MATH Lesson Planning for your Advanced Students.  

    If you are new(er) to the classroom, new to teaching gifted, or new to differentiation, or if you are struggling with what to offer your advanced students when they say they have "finished", then this workshop is for you!

    We will spend time together reviewing best practice strategies and then divide into breakout rooms according to your selected content area to tier your next lesson. 

    Invite your PLC so you can collaborate, share resources and ideas, and apply new strategies to your current unit.  Finish the workshop with a new extension of your  curriculum that you can use tomorrow!

    2 PD hours 

    Click here for complete details and registration.

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The Chicago Gifted Community Center (CGCC) is a member-driven 501(c)(3) non-profit organization created by parents to support the intellectual and emotional growth of gifted children and their families. 

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